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Gender point person (teenager, women) 2020-2021

Sukjan Welfare Seva Sansta, we are dedicated to positively impacting the lives of those in need. Our mission is to serve the community through various initiatives, primarily focusing on the distribution of clothes. This endeavor aims to bring warmth, dignity, and a sense of belonging to those facing challenges.

The distribution of clothing is one of our main projects. We think that everyone should have access to hygienic, comfy clothes. Our committed crew puts forth the endless effort to gather, arrange, and provide clothing to underprivileged communities.



Outcomes :
    Through our clothing distribution programs, we empower individuals to feel a sense of pride and dignity. Adequate clothing is essential for protecting against harsh weather conditions. By providing warm clothes during winters and appropriate attire during summers, we contribute to the overall health and well-being of the recipients.
Output :
    Sukjan Welfare Seva Sansta's garment distribution programmers have effectively reached and helped thousands of people. Many garments, such as shirts, pants, sarees, jackets, and more, have been distributed by our hardworking staff.